News from the lab

New Conference Presentation

Mpadanes, E. & Kubus, O. (2023, July). Self-initiated repair in German Sign Language (DGS) – results from the Public DGS Corpus. Lecture presented at 18th International Pragmatics Conference, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.

New Publication

Villwock, A. & Grin, K. (2022). Somatosensory processing in deaf and deafblind individuals: How does the brain adapt as a function of sensory and linguistic experience? A critical review. Frontiers in Psychology.

New Conference Presentation

von Randow, S., Kubus, O., & Mpadanes, E. (2022, October). Coming to Grips with Constructed Action (CA) in Sign Language L2 Acquisition – Results of a New Sentence Reproduction Test for DGS. Lecture presented at Sign Café 2, University of Catania, Italy.

New Conference Presentation

Villwock, A. , Wilkinson, E., Morford, J. P., Petersen, B. T., & Allen, T. E. Language at home - Language at school: Factors shaping language proficiency in deaf children with deaf and hearing parents. Paper presented at the 14th conference of Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research, Osaka, Japan, September 2022.

New Conference Presentation

Mpadanes, E. (2022, September). Repairs in German Sign Language (DGS) conversations: results from the DGS Corpus. Poster presented at TISLR 14, National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku), Japan.